Smoly? Just feeling playful, that's all. Not a usual inclination for me. Playful. Hmm. I feel a wellspring of playfulness starting to burble, gurgle. Quite a change of pace and tone from my more morbid musings. It probably has a lot to do with the Spring that is beginning to emerge. Titmice, chickadees and cardinals regularly singing now. It's only March 2 but the air is already alive with the sweet scent of rebirth. Crocsues (Croci?), daffodils, and tulips are poking there brave heads out of newly thawed turf. Holy smoly indeed.
I saw a chickadee sitting on top of one of the birdhouses I put up last Fall singing it's Spring mating song. Their plaintive, sweet song is similar to another favorite bird song of mine, the white throated sparrow. (The video link for the wt sparrow is spectacular. It says more than I will ever be able to write here)
This Winter has been incredibly mild with very little snow. I feel we don't deserve Spring. We haven't suffered enough yet. Why is it so difficult to expect and accept good fortune? Maybe we'll have a monster snow storm in March to make me feel more comfortable.
To hell with old, nasty, negative thinking. Here's to Spring springing!
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